My Bipolar Story

Hey! I am Patty and welcome to my website, the Girl with Blue Energy. I am a writer, YouTuber, entrepreneur, and I have bipolar disorder. This is my bipolar story.

I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when I was 18, but I have been struggling with it for as long as I can remember. It started in early childhood. I always had issues controlling my emotions. I would cry and have tantrums. I remember being sent to the principal’s office alot in early elementary school and I also remember always feeling different. Always…

The first time I thought about suicide I was 12. The first time I attempted it I was 14. I attempted suicide again numerous times during my teens and early 20s. My symptoms were pretty severe, and I was put on disability for the first few years of adulthood.


Patty Malowney, owner of the Girl with Blue Energy, a blog about bipolar disorder
the Girl with Blue Energy, bipolar blog and YouTube channel

My Bipolar Story

Hey! I am Patty and welcome to my website, the Girl with Blue Energy. I am a writer, YouTuber, entrepreneur, and I have bipolar disorder. This is my bipolar story.

I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when I was 18, but I have been struggling with it for as long as I can remember. It started in early childhood. I always had issues controlling my emotions. I would cry and have tantrums. I remember being sent to the principal’s office alot in early elementary school and I also remember always feeling different. Always…

The first time I thought about suicide I was 12. The first time I attempted it I was 14. I attempted suicide again numerous times during my teens and early 20s. My symptoms were pretty severe, and I was put on disability for the first few years of adulthood.


Patty Malowney, owner of the Girl with Blue Energy, a blog about bipolar disorder
the Girl with Blue Energy, bipolar blog and YouTube channel

My Bipolar Story

Fast forward to age 28. At 28 I attempted suicide for the last time. I finally decided that I was never drinking charcoal or being checked into a psychiatric unit ever again. I wasn’t completely stable, but I was able to hide my bipolar disorder pretty well.

I started a moms website for support and it took off. It became much bigger than I ever imagined. My website was hugely successful and we grew so big that we were eventually approached by a really big company who bought us. At just before 35, I sold my business, my baby for more money than I ever would have dreamed possible.

Like, I had worked my butt off and was finally successful. I was living the American Dream. With the money, I bought a gorgeous house and welcomed my fifth kiddo into the world. Life was pretty awesomet… until it wasn’t.

In 2014, my world got flipped upside down. My 12-year-old daughter attempted suicide. Like her mom, she has issues with severe depression and emotion regulation. I was not at all prepared for what would happen next. All five of my children were taken from me and place into foster care. It was a long and expensive battle. The worst part is, I lost custody of my middle son. CPS actually tried to make me give up my rights to him in exchange for keeping my other kids. This nearly destroyed me.

I fought like hell, though. It took me a 18 months, tons of money, counseling, and jumping through all sorts of hoops to get my other children back. But losing my son… it was devastating The grief and depression almost killed me. It took me several years to be able to tell my story and even talk about it.

Losing custody of your children is about the most dehumanizing experience you can go through. My children, however, know how much I love them and what kind of mom I am. In 2018, I ran for office in Michigan and campaigned for Michigan State Representative. I had the support and love from my children. I use this blog and my YouTube channel to talk about the real life struggles people with bipolar disorder have. I also hope to help be a voice for families and people like me.

Nobody should lose their entire life or their children because of a treatable, manageble mental illness.

I hope that my website and YouTube videos helps others with Bipolar Disorder to have hope. There is always hope. No matter what you have experienced in your life, it can get better. You can get better.

Thank you for visiting me here at Girl with Blue Energy. If you’re new here be sure to check out my YouTube channel Girl with Blue Energy and subscribe!


Patty Malowney
The Girl With Blue Energy

Bipolar Disorder is Managable Through Education, Lifestyle Changes & Support

My Mission for Girl with Blue Energy

At Girl With Blue Energy, my mission is to help everyone with bipolar disorder by providing information and support. Bipolar disorder is managable. I’m here to provide you with genuine advice, from lifestyle tips to effective coping strategies.

Whether it’s through my blog or YouTube channel, I love sharing useful tips on managing bipolar disorder.

If you have bipolar disorder or have a loved one with the disorder, please be sure to read my blog and subscribe to my YouTube channel. You are not alone.

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